Sunday, September 17, 2006
Yumm, White Meat!

More Food posting. I live for food.
I didn't used to eat pork because I thought pigs were filthy and ate garbage. Not true. I've been told over and over again that pigs are the cleanest animals on the farm. They cover themselves in mud to protect themselves from the sun and insects, and they only eat garbage because that's what's fed to them. Trichonosis? Not much of a problem anymore. Same deal-it's only because of their filthy environment (and now they're medicated against it) Well, OK.
Watch out White Meat! Here I come!

A Whole new world is opened up here. Now I'll be eating all that succulent, soft white fish as well. Crab and Lobster and other bottom-dwelling scavengers. They're actually quite clean (and tastey). It's not their fault that they eat rotting flesh and live in an oceanic cesspool. Yummmm-y! And, get this: Cockroaches are only as filthy as the environment they live in. So, the roaches I find in the neighborhood are getting a quick rinse and I've got a great easy [crunchy] snack!
Life is good. Happiness abounds:)
Isn't it interesting that Arnold Ziffel looks like the generic pig I found through Pork! Magazine? Oh, gotta go, saliva is dripping on my keyboard.
You too?
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The Best Stuff On Earth

Lots of Food related stuff here. Must be because it brings me such joy. Here's some more.

I recently got thirsty, so I picked up a lemonade for a hot day. Snapple. It told me right on the label that it was made from the best stuff on earth. See!

And it's all Natural too! I'm health-concious. What could be better? Then I took a big 'swig' of this juice, and nearly gagged! What the heck?

I was expecting something along the line of something from the corner lemonade stand. You know, Lemon juice, water and sugar. This was totally different. What gives? Then I read the label. No wonder!

The kids on the corner got it wrong! They don't add the BEST stuff on Earth. Like High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Salt. I'll tell you what...My diet has changed. If I'm going to drink coffee or tea or eat Wheaties, I'm drowning it with Karo (SALT INCLUDED!). No more unhealthy sugar for me. Go HERE Yummmm! Looking at their logo swoosh, maybe they're part of the fantastic Coca Cola empire? That would be great! Now if only I could figure out a better way to carry Karo than in that big bottle. No Karo Packets available. Any ideas?

Another thing, Snapple gives you this great learning tool as well. Their cap has Info-mation in it. Los Angeles sure has a lotta carz. Life is good. Happiness Abounds!